Exclude Patients with No Records for this Entity

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Finding Patients with No Record of a Defined Entity (0.49)

If you have chosen Exclude for an entity, Exclude patients with no records for this entity is ticked by default:

  • This excludes patients who have no record for the selected entity.
  • Unticking Exclude includes patients who have no record for the entity.

For example, setting the criteria to find matches for a blood pressure with a diastolic greater than 120.

Right click on an Entity, select Options and change to Exclude leaving the tick next to Exclude patients with no records for this entity, then the search finds patients who do not have a blood pressure over 120, and also excludes any patients without a blood pressure recorded:

If you untick Exclude patients with no records for this entity, then in addition to finding patients who do not have a BP over 120, it additionally includes patients with no record of BP recorded.

See Include / Exclude Options for details.
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